About Waukesha Lawn Service
Waukesha Lawn Service is a family-run business originally started by owner Anthony Scaffidi’s father. Anthony and his brother would help on jobs ever since they were young and needed phone books to reach the drive-on mower’s steering wheel. Joining the family business was a way to help his family, but also nurtured Anthony’s fundamental belief in helping others.

Our Story
Anthony officially took over the family business in 2004 and for nearly two decades, has been dedicated to providing the highest quality service to customers throughout Waukesha County.
Curiously, Anthony’s interest in drainage began during family trips to the beach. He would create sand castles with intricate moats, paying special attention to diverting water where he wanted it. Luckily, this passion goes hand-in-hand with landscaping services and Anthony uses his strong problem-solving abilities to create custom solutions for complex landscaping projects.
Our Mission
Waukesha Lawn Service truly believes in the cycle of goodwill, where our actions create ripples that positively impact our community.
After experiencing profound medical complications in his early adulthood, Anthony’s entire perspective changed. As a second generation owner, he does not focus on the hustle that motivates typical business owners; instead, Anthony’s entire mission is to help others.

Our Promise
As a client, you are not just hiring another lawn care or snow removal company. You are hiring a committed business owner, dedicated to helping those around him by providing services for all four seasons that make your life easier.
Experience 5-star service, from the moment you get in touch. We look forward to serving you year-round, for years to come.